Google Icons
Mar 22, 2014 How to convert Font Awesome to png icons
It comes with icons that are scalable for customization using Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). You can optimize the various parameters of your icons with Font Awesome such as changing the font type, font size, icon size, colors, margins, shadow, width and other advanced positioning of an icon. Any person at various web design and developing skills can easily use the Font Awesome to deliver more creative icons for their website designs.
Mar 21, 2014 Long Shadow Icon Design
Flat web design is now the new and most used design for web pages and icons all over the market. The reason being the sharp yet decent look these “Long Shadow Icons” propose which is what everyone is into these days.
Mar 14, 2014 Flat web design - next design trend
Clean typography and flat design icons are only seen from the Windows 8 UI while it also present intermittent animations to display real time updates whenever one receives a new email or a calendar reminder. It has been noted that the traditional glossy icons and the use of drop shadows are no longer used by Apple in its new user interface. Google’s approach in flat design for Android
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